
Cabernet isn’t dead

With tcpreplay 3.3.2 development wrapping up, I think I’ll take a break from C and concentrate on Ruby. I’m still using Cabernet and with Passenger, it looks like my goal of distributing a Rails application is finally doable. So that means getting Cabernet ready for Rails 2.1 and of course cleaning up the UI so it’s not so horribly ugly. Continue reading


If I build it, will they come?

I originally wrote this post back in March ’06, but never posted it. Since then, I’ve been distracted with other tasks and openpacket.org has gone live. I’ve decided to post this now, because I’m tired of being lazy.


So for about 4 years now (6 years as of 2008), I’ve had the idea of building a public repository where people can share pcap files. And I’m not the only one with this idea. And based on people asking for it regularly on various email lists, there seems to be demand for it. But will it work? Continue reading


Tcpreplay + Fragroute = v3.3.rc1

I’ve finally got a basic integration of Dug Song’s fragroute with tcprewrite. I’m pretty excited about this not only because it’s something I’ve wanted to do for over two years, but because it really shows the power of Open Source. Anyways, big thanks to Dug who made this possible not only by his work writing fragroute, but also choosing a license which allows people like me to use it in their own projects. Continue reading