Windows support?
So I was looking at the tcpreplay download statistics and I made a very unexpected realization: roughly 30% of the downloads in the last 12 months were for the Windows version. Continue reading
So I was looking at the tcpreplay download statistics and I made a very unexpected realization: roughly 30% of the downloads in the last 12 months were for the Windows version. Continue reading
I’m happy to announce that 3.0.beta12 is finally out. This is a pretty important release because of the extensive changes to how different DLT/Layer2’s are supported in tcprewrite. In the past it was a big block of monolithic code which as many of you know had some serious bugs and limitations. 3.0.beta12 moves to a full plugin based architecture which makes adding support for various DLT’s very easy. Continue reading
So during the superbowl, I finished up the final touches on the DLT plugin API and got the first plugin fully working (ethernet of course). Why should you care? Continue reading